Plot:Unemployed slacker Nawab lives a poor lifestyle in Chaqu-Pura, Hyderabad, with his elderly parents and refuses to find employment. He spends his time with another slacker, Baba, and are financed by their Auto-Rikshaw driver friend, Abbu. Both also indulge in petty theft and act as con-men to make money.
His fed-up father asks them to leave, and they end up at Abbu's house.
Not satisfied, they con Abbu's landlord, Jango Pathan, to lend them
Rs.25000/- which they lose in a Carrom game. They decide to break
into a wealthy man's house, steal, sell the goods, and then re-pay
their debt. But the hapless duo comically end up being caught by the
police and their plight is telecast on TV. Watch what impact this news
has on Jango, Abbu, and Nawab's parents.
IMDB rating: 3.6/10
Directed by: Aziz Naser, Anil Boyidapu
Starring: Abdulla, Afroz and Abdul Aleemuddin
Release Name: Berozgaar (2010) DvdRIP Xvid MEDIAFIRE DOWNLOAD LINK
Size: 700 MB
Links: iMDB