Plot:In 2027, after 18 years of worldwide female infertility, civilization is on the brink of collapse as humanity faces the grim reality of extinction. For years the United Kingdom, the last known stable nation with a functioning government, has been deluged by asylum seekers from around the world fleeing anarchy and war which has took hold in most countries.
In response Britain has become a militarised police state as British
forces round up and detain immigrants. Kidnapped by an immigrants rights
group known as "The Fishes", former activist turned cynical bureaucrat
Theo Faron (Clive Owen) is brought to its leader, his estranged American wife Julian Taylor (Julianne Moore). They separated after their son died from a flu pandemic in 2008. Julian offers Theo money
to acquire transit papers for a young black female refugee named Kee
(Clare-Hope Ashitey), which Theo obtains from his cousin Nigel (Danny
Huston), a government minister.
IMDB rating: 8.0/10
Directed by: Alfonso CuarĂ³n
Starring: Julianne Moore, Clive Owen and Chiwetel Ejiofor
Release Name: Children of Men (2006) Hindi Dubbed Dual Audio DvdRip MEDIAFIRE DOWNLOAD LINK
Size: 300 MB
Links: iMDB
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