Plot:Set in the Whitehead Correctional Institute, the film begins with Sabrina Downs (Da Brat) narrating a specific experience she had while serving time as a convict. Her story begins as she meets Frances Shephard (LisaRaye McCoy), a timid woman that is new to the prison system, during their bus ride to the correctional
facility. The women arrive at the prison, where they meet Captain Alan
Dease (Clifton Powell), who proceeds to line them up and exclaim the
rules of the prison and consequences for not abiding by them.As Frances
is escorted by an officer to the jail cell she will be living in, she
enters to a scene of female convicts gambling, smoking, and talking
amongst themselves. She attempts to move in with her cell mate Nikki
Barnes (N'Bushe Wright), who is presumed to be the leader amongst the
convicts, but is denied and instead lives with Lil’ Mama (Lark
Voorhies), a 17-year old pregnant convict who is deeply involved in
Christianity and befriends Frances.
Genre: Drama | Thriller | CrimeIMDB rating: 4.6/10
Directed by: Neema Barnette
Starring: LisaRaye, N'Bushe Wright and Mos Def
Release Name: Civil Brand (2002) Hindi BRRip Dual Audio MEDIAFIRE DOWNLOAD LINK
Size: 1.07 GB
Links: iMDB
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