Plot:The film begins when two friends, Jenny Tate (Mýa) and Becky
Morton (Shannon Elizabeth), are at a pier and decide to get their
fortune told by Zela (Portia de Rossi). She foretells that they will
suffer a horrible fate, but they don't believe her and walk away
laughing. A little while later, Becky realizes Jenny has disappeared and
can't find her on the pier; Becky was driving. One night, while in a
car together, Jimmy (Jesse Eisenberg) and his sister Ellie (Christina
Ricci) hit an animal and another car. They attempt to rescue the other
driver, Becky Morton, but she is suddenly dragged and eaten by an
unknown creature. Jimmy and Ellie are both slashed by the creature's
claws. Jimmy starts to believe that the creature was a werewolf, but no
one will believe him.
IMDB rating: 4.6/10
Directed by: Wes Craven
Starring: Christina Ricci, Jesse Eisenberg and Portia de Rossi
Release Name: Cursed (2005) Hindi DUbbed BRRIp Dual Audio MEDIAFIRE DOWNLOAD LINK
Size: 950 MB
Links: iMDB
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